MadTV: The journal

They want to fingerprint your children
The Times has an article on the government's plans to fingerprint all kids when they apply for passports. NuLabour needs to learn that it is not its place to watch us but to serve us.

Anthony Williams
There's a really simple way of doing that: don't vote for the idiots that don't seem capable of running a country in the next local/general elections.
Date Added: 06/03/2007

Hey Anth! I Agree, vote the bastards out.
Date Added: 06/03/2007

Gone Away
Less regulation, not more!
Date Added: 07/03/2007

Minimum regulation in fact.
Date Added: 07/03/2007

Anthony Williams
And have you heard the laughable plans relating to text messaging immigrants whose visas are about to run out? I swear, I nearly died laughing this morning when I heard it on the news.

The Tories and Democrats have blasted it as "Headline Grabbing." I'm disgusted that no-one has blasted it as "bollocks that will never work in a million years."

Idiots. The lot of them.
Date Added: 07/03/2007

Anthony Williams
Weapons grade drivel.

And you know the most worrying thing? We're PAYING for these people to come up with this shit!

Date Added: 07/03/2007

Pretty much my sentiment when I saw that on the news myself Anth. Bloody idiots.
Date Added: 07/03/2007

Weapons grade drivel? Does this mean we can drop that tosser Reid on Iraq?
Date Added: 07/03/2007

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Date Added: 02/04/2021

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