Gone Away ~ The journal of Clive Allen in America

Sir Gawain and the Dragon 5
(to read the first episode, click here)
The buzz reached Sir Gawain as he was making his way towards the crawler room to reset the crawlers. Bumble had intercepted something already. The knight changed direction and headed for the firewall.

There was no sign of Sir Mordred in the tunnels and Gawain presumed his interview with Andy was taking longer than expected. It suited Gawain that the affable giant should be out of the way for a while for, as well as the need to see whatever Bumble had received, the knight needed time to think about the strange facts he had gleaned that morning. So many odd and apparently unrelated discoveries raced through his processes: the unsuitability of Mordred as a system defender, his transparent simplicity, the unexplained copy of the Geek's operating system and the tune that formed Mordred's entire repertoire. There had to be a pattern to it all but none presented itself to the knight. Something was missing; something that would draw all these facts together and enable him to make sense of it all.

At the firewall he found Bumble still ensconced with the emailer codes. The crawler pushed a small box of glowing electrons towards the knight. "Incoming," said Bumble. "I can't open it."

Sir Gawain examined the box. Encoded. Of course, he thought, it would be. And the key would be stored in Andy's emailer.

"Good work, Bumble," said the knight. "You let it go through?"

"Yes sir. That's a copy."

"Excellent. Well, keep monitoring and I'll see if I can open this thing."

Sir Gawain watched as the crawler disappeared back into the firewall. The emailer's address showed that it was near the surface of the system, in the busiest section of the metropolis. He would have to be very careful if he were to enter and leave unobserved. This was going to be difficult.

The knight hid the box in the pouch at his belt and left, heading for the upper levels.

At the entrance to station 2, he paused. This was Andy's territory, his interface with the system. If the programmer were alert, he was bound to notice the increase in activity as the knight entered. And, if Mordred was in there, the giant would sense it immediately. What was needed was some form of diversion or legitimate reason for the sudden drain on the station's resources. The knight stood motionless as he considered the problem.

The walls hummed and glowed with energy, crawlers wandered through the tunnels, some entering the station, others passing it by. Gawain watched without seeing as his processes sought a solution and it was not until two crawlers began to tussle at his feet, both trying for the same route around the obstruction, that the idea came to him. The crawlers were part of the normal activity in a station. They could enter and leave unnoticed, barely a blip in the usual processes.

He bent down quickly and grabbed one of the squabbling crawlers. The other, its way now unbarred, continued along the tunnel. Gawain thought for a moment, then programmed his crawler and let it go. It scuttled off and turned the corner into the station.

For a few seconds there was no change in activity, but then the walls began to scintillate with bright color and a sign appeared above the entrance: Virus scan - no crawlers. The knight grinned and entered.

The layout was the same as all the stations. Gawain hurried through the tunnels confidently, aware that his presence was now masked by the scan as it poked and prodded its way through the unit's code. His time was limited, however, and he must be quick.

At the station's monitor room, he stopped and listened. Mordred's deep voice had risen above the chatter of the scan.

"...just about complete, Andy."

Another voice came, intense and insistent, "It's good, Mordred, but we have to hurry. I want that nerd out of here. It worries me that he might find a way to interfere with the plan. Get that source code today and no excuses."

"I'm not even sure he has it," answered Mordred. "There's no reason the Geek would give it to him."

"No, of course not." The other's voice was sharp with impatience. "But he will know where the backups are stored. That's where you'll find it."

"Oh, uh, yeah." Gawain could imagine the look of dawning understanding passing across the giant's face.

"So what are you waiting for? Get busy, man. I'm running out of time here."

Sir Gawain moved on quickly before the giant could emerge from the room. There was no time to think about what he had heard, but any doubt about the new programmer's evil intentions had now vanished. He must find that key and report back to the Geek immediately.

The emailer was open, minimized on the desktop, and Gawain slipped in and began the search. He came across the address list and hastily copied it for later reading. A copy of received and outgoing mail followed. But the key was proving elusive and the seconds were ticking by. It was not until he had searched the entire program that he found it, alone in a nest of sub-directories far from the core. He copied it and ran from the emailer with the scan grumbling around him as it processed the last few files.

Through the tunnels he ran, a blur of light as he raced the scan. It had finished now and was giving back memory as it closed itself down. There were nanoseconds left as he hurled himself out through the entrance and crashed into the wall of the tunnel outside. As the knight turned from his crumpled position, he saw the sign above the doorway blink once and disappear. Two crawlers, buzzing in circles at the entrance, moved forward, suddenly purposeful, and entered the station. The light faded to normal activity again.

Gawain picked himself up and strode off in the direction of the Assignment Room.

(to go directly to Part 6, click here)


Always have to leave us wondering!
Date Added: 14/04/2005

Gone Away
That's the whole point of a series, isn't it, Rusty? For the next exciting installment...! :D
Date Added: 14/04/2005

Ooooo! A narrow escape! Very nice images, Gone -- keep 'em coming!
Date Added: 14/04/2005

Gone Away
Thanks Jodie - I will! :)
Date Added: 14/04/2005

Whats in the encrypted email? plans for world domination? the access codes to the company bank account....porn....is it porn....it is porn isnt it :) Lovin it Mr A
Date Added: 14/04/2005

Gone Away
Ahah, Keef, all will be revealed. But I like your guesses! :D
Date Added: 14/04/2005

good times
Date Added: 14/04/2005

Curiouser and curiouser, that is what I am becoming. ;) Great stuff.
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Curiouser and curiouser, that is what I am becoming. ;) Great stuff.
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Gone Away
Rock on, dude!
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Gone Away
Thanks Ned. See the next thrilling installment! :D
Date Added: 15/04/2005

I like Keeef's guesses too...he must be a professional left-fielder... :D
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Gone Away
Actually, I'm left-handed, Jodie... :D
Date Added: 15/04/2005

I have absoloutley no idea what a left fielder is. I dont know wether to agree or claim it was just an accident involving vaseline and a crowded shower
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Gone Away
I vote for the shower...
Date Added: 15/04/2005

You know, when i was growing up and being read the tales of Mr Frodo on your ,what seemed huge, double bed before i went to sleep, i never imagined that one day we would be having this kind of conversation
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Gone Away
Keef, there's nought stranger than life. Ee ba gum.
Date Added: 15/04/2005

So true. You know what they say. 'Life is just a bowl of All Bran,
You wake upi every morning and its there'
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Gone Away
Small Faces!
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Yup. I bought a copy of Ogdens on CD recently. Saara is not impressed....I may have to put some of those sugar cubes in her coffee and replay it then
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Gone Away
Lazy Sunday Afternoon is one of the greatest songs ever done. And the whole album is a tri... umm, I mean, a journey. Definitely try the sugar cubes.
Date Added: 15/04/2005

I have to agree on Lazy sunday. In fact the whole album. It is just very well done. Did the small faces ever claim a 'Beatles' on that one and swear it was never a drug related thing?
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Gone Away
I don't know what their excuse for it was. But, if my memory serves me right, it came out at the same time as Sergeant Pepper, which would seem to give the lie to any claims of jumping on the bandwagon. Of the two, I think Ogden's was the better overall concept but some of the songs by the Beatles were better. Except for Lazy Sunday. That song will last for ever.
Date Added: 15/04/2005

If you have a minute read my latest installment.
Shameless plug
It took an odd turn during last nights writing. I like it but want a wider view than my own quirky sense of humour
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Gone Away
Okily dokily.
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Heheh Read whole story lol. Very Nice.
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Gone Away
Thank you, Tina. Kind of you to say so. There will be another two, maybe three, episodes to reach the finish and they should be posted within the next few days. I hope you'll be able to stick with us through to the end. :)
Date Added: 15/04/2005

thanks for that gone
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Gone Away
My pleasure, Keef. It's a good story. Most amusing.
Date Added: 15/04/2005

you never know it may be my way out of the corporate blackhole
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Gone Away
You have the talent, Keef, and a creative imagination. Get that story finished and we'll knock off some of the rough edges and see if we can interest a publisher. Who knows? You might be the Ozzie Douglas Adams... ;)
Date Added: 15/04/2005

If that happens i'll 'leave behind' a copy of The Gabbler on my publishers desk
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Gone Away
LOL Thanks, Keef. :D
Date Added: 15/04/2005

I think this is really quite extraordinary. I'm so glad you left a comment on my Blog so I could find you!
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Gone Away
It is always a pleasure to come across a well-written blog such as yours Easywriter (may I call you Easy?). By "extraordinary" you mean my blog? LOL I think that's the first time it's been called that. ;)
Date Added: 15/04/2005

you know your blog is awesome Gone, lol
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Gone Away
Aw shucks, Beth... (blushing)
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Both you guys need to be published. May I please have two sets of signed copies (one set for me, and one set I can auction off on ebay...because, of course, you will be bigger than JK Rowling, right?). :D
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Gone Away
I'll believe it when I see it, Jodie. But of course you will have a couple of signed copies. :)
Date Added: 15/04/2005

Ummmm.... did I mention that we are all eagerly awaiting the next installment? ;)
Date Added: 16/04/2005

Gone Away
I think a few people mentioned that, Ned. Let's see.... it's now 7:08am and tjhe coffee is gradually reviving me. By about 8:00am I should be about ready to make a start on the next episode. If all goes well (and I do have to go out today to a Native American rattlesnake ceremony - seriously!), it should be up by lunchtime. :)
Date Added: 16/04/2005

I'm jealous -- I'm Native American (well, a Cherokee tribal member anyway) and I've never been to a rattlesnake ceremony! Enjoy!
Date Added: 16/04/2005

Gone Away
I intend to enjoy, Jodie! :) And it's Comanche around here - my favorite tribe. Wanna know why? Because they killed more palefaces back in the old days than any other tribe! ;)
Date Added: 16/04/2005

Just remember when they wave their ears they are going to charge... or was that elephants? And I mean the snakes not the Comanche (their tails twitch).
Date Added: 16/04/2005

Gone Away
For a moment there, I had a vision of hordes of Comanche attacking with ears waving... :D
Date Added: 16/04/2005

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