Gone Away ~ The journal of Clive Allen in America

A Leading Statement

Over at the Writers Blog Alliance, Deborah Woehr's Writers Blog Anthology is coming along nicely. There is still room for more entries, however, so if you're a writer and you have a blog, send your best post to Deborah. Information on the anthology can be found here. Note that the closing date is February 15th, so you'll have to be quick.

In looking for suitable submissions, I read many of my old posts and stumbled across An Unlikely Dream, a short story that I remembered as little more than an amusing whimsy. It contains a little trick that I use sometimes and I realized that this could be developed to become something a little more involving. This piece is an attempt at the concept.

I am quite sure that this will appear to be Shameless Self Promotion, but The Absolute Truth is that it's more of a Phantom of the Blogosphere. It's all a matter of Blog Thinking, you see, a game in which The Computer And I allow my Introversion to interfere with The Natural Order of Things.

A game then, not of tag (although tag is the main idea), but perhaps a link between Breaking the Blog Rules and Keeping the Customer Satisfied. Think of it as a Journey and something of A Mad Post. All that is required is a little search for clues and A Lyrical Pondering. Tag along with me and you might understand my Tale of an Epiphany.

In my post, Media Wars, I mentioned that the computer is interactive. This post presents Another Day, Another Idea to demonstrate interactivity of a different sort. You Be the Judge: is this merely An Average Tale or is it perhaps A Place Apart? I'll say no more; all hinges now upon your curiosity and perseverance.

Remember only that these are the Inventions of a Non-Engineer and, before you ask - yes, I've Just Renewed My Artistic Licence!

Technorati tags: ; ; .


You and your title attributes... :p
Date Added: 13/02/2006

Gone Away
Hey, they're there, Mad. Might as well use 'em... ;)
Date Added: 13/02/2006

It was good reading through some of your old posts. I've also been looking back on a few of mine now I've finally got around to adding a contents page for my blog.
Date Added: 13/02/2006

Oh, that was a trip! Once I saw the subtext I ended up reading all the tags first, and then went back to read the post, lol. I even went back to read some of the links, and now I think I must make time to read them all, what I saw was so good. I especially liked The Phantom of the Blogosphere. It's like getting three posts in one. A clever idea and a lot of fun to puzzle out.
Date Added: 13/02/2006

Gone Away
Actually, it was never the intention to draw people into my archives - I just needed a load of links in one place, I'd already plundered my blogroll for the first post of this type, so it seemed easiest just to use my Contents page for the list of links. But I'm glad it gave you the idea of making a Contents page for your own blog, Mad. Am going to dig around in there and see what's what... ;)
Date Added: 13/02/2006

Gone Away
Thank you, Twelve. It's quite hard work getting one of these together, finding titles that can make sense when grouped together, creating all the links and then writing a story through the tags (and trying not get lost in the complexities at the same time!). So I appreciate the time you've spent on it too. You make it all worthwhile! :)
Date Added: 13/02/2006

I know how much work compiling something like that is - thank you!

Happy Valentine’s Day! Marti at her new blog, http://enterthelaughter.blogspot.com/
Date Added: 14/02/2006

I didn't do my archive page because of your post, it went up the day before you posted. :p
Date Added: 14/02/2006

Gone Away
Entirely my pleasure, Marti. :)
Date Added: 14/02/2006

Gone Away
Great minds then, Mad. ;)
Date Added: 14/02/2006

Oh and it's definitley Gmail causing us the comment problems...
Date Added: 15/02/2006

Gone Away
I thought that was what you must be trying to fix over the weekend. But I think you've broken something else, Mad - the posts aren't justified anymore and I kinda liked them like that... :>
Date Added: 15/02/2006

Thanks, Clive--I sent her Cockroach Shock and Awe PArt Two, Beyond Therapy and she posted it last night. I feel so special!
Date Added: 15/02/2006

I've switched the address I send my comments to my Yahoo address and they all seem to be getting through. As for the justified text that was a deliberate change to the style sheet. I prefer justified paragraphs myself but it causes line break problems when people post long URL's. I might change it back... dunno yet.
Date Added: 15/02/2006

Gone Away
The Cockroach piece is excellent, Larissa - I'm glad my post persuaded you to submit to the anthology. Now we sit back and see whether Deborah can get it published!
Date Added: 15/02/2006

Gone Away
Ah, all becomes clear now, Mad. And I can live without full justification since it's in such a good cause. Not sure I want to abandon my Gmail account just yet, however...
Date Added: 15/02/2006

I need to get reorganized and get into gear before I can submit to the group These lapses from my work are taking a toll
Date Added: 13/03/2006

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