Gone Away ~ The journal of Clive Allen in America

Svengali Comes Clean
"So when is the fame and fortune to arrive?"

Trilby asked the question quite bluntly as she removed the stage make-up from her face, staring intently into the bright mirror. She did not need to turn and watch Svengali's reaction to the question; it was nothing new to them, having been discussed again and again in recent weeks. This was merely small talk now, a need for the familiar to settle her mind.

In the corner, the shadowed corner farthest from the glaring lights of the mirror, Svengali settled deeper into his chair and raised a sardonic eyebrow.

"Ah, my dear, it cannot be long now. Already you are drawing them as moths to a lantern in the darkest night. Soon they will be clamoring to see you and your name will be known beyond the bounds of this forgotten city."

"Oh, you always say that. But see, there are no bouquets and anxious suitors waiting expectantly at my door. Yesterday, a rose, one pathetic, half-dead rose, delivered by some grimy footman, and nothing tonight. This is hardly the stuff of dreams, you know." Trilby made a petulant, pouting face at her reflection, then smiled at her pretense of childish impatience.

Svengali smiled too, a sinister smile, he hoped. "It is coming, you will see. The theater is filling nicely these days and the box office becomes busier than it has ever been."

A mischievous look sparkled in Trilby's eyes as she began the application of her offstage make-up, re-creating a face that was unknown to the watchers in the darkened theater. "That is no more than I could have achieved without you, Sven. It's for me they come, not you."

"Yes, you are quite right, my dear," replied Svengali after a suitably thoughtful pause. "You will be great whether I am here to help or not; your talent shines as a star in the heavens and I must forever be a mere minion to your ambition. What I do is just to hasten the day when all will bow before you and nothing awaits me but grim obscurity as you soar higher and higher." He sighed deeply in mock acceptance of his fate.

And she, so used to the game, played along. "Don't be silly, Sven. You know that you will be with me and I will always acknowledge how you have helped in my career. Not that it is much, as yet." A thought struck her then and she continued in a more serious tone. "But what do you get from this? You never say just how you benefit from all the work you do on my behalf, all the promotion and encouragement and noising abroad. What's your aim for yourself in all this?"

"It is all for you, Trilby. My joy is that you should attain the heights that are your true destiny. This is all my life to me." He glanced at Trilby's face in the mirror to see the effect of his words. The smile in her eyes told him that she knew how he pretended at a nobility overstated. He grinned and shrugged.

"Oh, all right then, I admit I get enjoyment from it. This whole sinister Svengali thing, it's fun to play. What could be more entertaining than to be the dark, unfathomable figure behind the throne? I build a persona for myself as much as I do for you, and mine is a delicious, mysterious role. When you are famous, they will speak of you with pure love in their hearts; but of me, they will lower their voices and talk in furtive whispers, wondering, yet fearful of my brooding presence. Oh yes, I have my rewards as well."

Trilby laughed, that sweet laugh that was to entrance millions. "Sven, you are so funny when you tell the truth. I think that may be why I keep you around. Only yesterday I was saying to Gecko how you amuse me. And he, of course, just nodded and grinned, thinking to please me." She stopped then and turned to look at Svengali.

"And why do you keep him on? I mean, we both know that Gecko's just a fawning sycophant. What on earth d'you get out of him hanging about all the time?"

Svengali cocked his head to glance at the shadowed ceiling. "Oh, I don't know. He's always been there, I suppose, and I haven't the heart to tell him to go." Suddenly embarrassed at his admission to having a heart, he added quickly, "And everyone needs an evil Svengali behind them, after all."

Trilby snorted at his flippancy. "Yeah? Well who is your Svengali then, oh great Mr Sven? Answer me that, if you can."

For a while there was silence as Svengali considered the question. It was clear he was taking it seriously for his eyes stared unseeing into the darkness beyond the mirror. Trilby continued with the last touches to her make-up as he thought. She knew him well now and understood that an answer would come in time.

Then Sven began to speak slowly, not looking at her but vocalizing his thoughts for her benefit. "Perhaps I am my own Svengali. After all, I am playing a role that is decided by my true ambitions. So my Svengali may be my own inner self, demanding that I fulfill this persona it has designed for me. Or it might be the obsequious Gecko. He demands this through his loathsome inability to be anything more than a parasite upon our good natures. Perhaps I find it impossible to do anything other than help him, as incapable of aid as he is. This whole pretense might be just an unwitting response to Gecko's imperative that I be something that he can cling to. But no, I cannot stomach that one. Let me look elsewhere..."

Svengali frowned as he searched for a more acceptable answer. Trilby was a little surprised at his determination to find a decent response to so meaningless a question and she turned in her chair to watch him. He was lost in thought now, his fingers rubbing at the short beard that outlined his chin, his eyes narrowed and cast downward to the floor.

Suddenly he looked up at her and grinned in triumph. "Ahah!" he announced. "I have it!"

Trilby smiled at the victory written upon his face. "Oh really, great Sven? And, pray tell, what is it that you have seen so clearly?"

"It is really quite obvious," he replied. His eyes twinkled with mischief as he paused for dramatic effect. "It's true that I have a Svengali and I must be simple not to have seen it before. The answer, my dear, is that it's you! You are my Svengali, the one who drives me on to be who you want me to be. You are the Svengali that decrees that I shall be the Svengali that you require!"

There was a look of quiet contentment on Trilby's face now. She nodded once before aiming her answer at the darkness of his corner. "Yes, my good friend Sven. My secret is out..."


This little tale can be read as it is but it helps if one understands the meaning implicit in the name Svengali. For a short definition, have a look at this page. For those who wish to see how this came about, a brief summary of the original story can be found here.


great story here.
Date Added: 05/06/2005

I agree with billy, a great story. A wonderfully surprising twist on the classic Svengali tale, amusingly told with great finesse. A delightful piece.
Date Added: 05/06/2005

(runs from the page, screaming! He's talking about me again!) My, oh, my. How wonderful a tale. And look...the word mischievous is getting quite a work-out this week. :p
Date Added: 05/06/2005

Gone Away
Thanks for saying so, Billy. Much appreciated.
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Gone Away
And thank you too, Ned. Now when do we see the next instalment of your serial?
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Gone Away
It must be a mischievous season, Way! And perhaps we are all Svengalis in our own way, huh? ;)
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Oh I may post at any moment, no one ever knows for sure. It is just me being mischievous. (Way told me to say that)
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Gone Away
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Nice tale... I'm plugging a novel and urge you to visit my web site and show your support for independent publishing at www.lulu.com I have published the first novel of a highly erotic series set in ancient Rome, during the late republic, around 120 BC. Please check it out and read my blog on the novel.
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Date Added: 06/06/2005

A bit over my head, I regret to say; but entertaining nonetheless.

Skarr: Blogspammers get it in the end. ;)
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Gone Away
Skarr: I'll write you an email in answer but basically you have no need to be so forward in your invitation to to your website (which I have seen before). I visit anyone who visits me... ;)
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Gone Away
Mad: Wakishi?
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Gone Away
Josh: Ah, well, I think it was Abe Lincoln who said that you can't please all of the people all of the time. ;)
Date Added: 06/06/2005

"Let me be in your dream, you can be in mine. I said that." -bd ;)
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Gone Away
I nearly added that myself, Josh, but then decided it might end up with me having to explain to people that it was from a Bob Dylan song and blah, blah, blah... ;)
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Yes, nice twist at the end. It shows that short stories can be published and appreciated on blogs. I had wondered.
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Gone Away
Well, I have published quite a few so far, John, and they seem to go down pretty well. To name them in date order (now for a bit of shameless self promotion):

The Goodbye Drive
The Phantom of the Blogosphere
Sir Gawain and the Dragon (Part 1 of 7)
Raining Cats and Dogs
Hitman's Sunday
text Shameless Self Promotion
A Very Parfit Knight Part 1 of 6
A Tale of Two Tailors
The Box

I think that's all of 'em... Yes, I know I really must sort out a classification system. :>
Date Added: 06/06/2005

I might write a story about lamp posts that have wild sex, while all the humans ever do is glow. Or would that be too skarr-y?
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Gone Away
LOL Way, I have written to Skarr and we have become friends... ;)
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Neat-o, Gone. Say, run over to this site and then tell me what you think of Elmo's comment. Fact, or fiction?

Date Added: 06/06/2005

Gone Away
Elmo is quite right, Way. Publishing on the net is regarded as publishing period and most punlishers aren't interested in anything that's been published before. So Elmo's correct in saying that, if you post anything to your blog, it better be stuff you don't mind losing. Having said which, to post to a blog or section of a blog which is password-protected and available only to accepted readers would not be viewed as publishing, I think. You are in fact establishing a small circle of readers for feedback purposes in doing that and this is no more than many writers do in critique groups. The real value in blogs is that they are a showcase for your talent and begin the establishment of a readership that would probably buy any books you were later to succeed in getting published. Of course, if you don't intend to attempt traditional publishing, you can post whatever you want. There is also the option of e-publishing but I need to investigate this a good deal more before I could really give any worthwhile advice on it.
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Hmm. I was sort of thinking along the same lines, Gone. Appreciates the feedback, though. Those E-deals, along with vanity presses, sounds to me about as squirrelly as, well, squirrels. Harvey says he don’t give a rip, anyway.
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Gone Away
Good for Harvey. I knew he was one of those devil-may-care types. :D E-publishing (called POD - publish on demand) is becoming more effective all the time, Way. It's no longer akin to vanity publishing and some writers are already making money from it.
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Nothing like a little bit of erotic fascination, especially for we ageing guitar players!
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Gone Away
I always knew that was why you guys joined rock bands - it was for the girls, not the music! :D
Date Added: 06/06/2005

"Somebody say girls?" He asked, fumbling a dropped-D very strange chord.
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Gone Away

Run, Way, they want your body!
Date Added: 06/06/2005

Oooh, I liked this one.
Date Added: 07/06/2005

Gone Away
Thank you, Rusty.
Date Added: 07/06/2005

The great thing about POD (on-demand) publishing is that it eliminates the need for a vast warehouse full of stock. Inventory has always been a huge cost to publishers. It means that authors can take control and full ownership of their work. I believe in the near future athors will just publish RSS feeds of their titles and blurbs, and readers will pay a few dollars to download the full book to their personal on-demand printers, which will print out a good paperback version. Keeping vast quantities of books ~ which may not be sold ~ is sheer madness in today's world. I've actually been a publisher, so publishing my own books has always appealed to me. Vanity publishing is something else entirely.

You should put your list of stories down your sidebar, Clive, you've got stacks of room.
Date Added: 07/06/2005

Gone Away
Thanks for the info, John, and for the vision of the future. I see it now!

Using the sidebar is one possibility but that kind of thing I have to discuss with Mad. We may be re-designing the site in the near future so we could do something about organisation then.
Date Added: 07/06/2005

Back to the main blog

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